I consider myself to be very blessed. I mentioned earlier that I wasn't on the volleyball team this year, but I was invited to go on
their amazing trip with them anyway. The day before the
ACSI tournament they leave school early and go shopping before staying overnight in a hotel. I have never gotten to go on one of those, even for the years I did do volleyball. But now I got my chance, the last year possible. It was great! We learned Korean songs in the car on the way there, stopped for dinner at Red Robin, swam in the pool and did devotions. We shopped for an hour or two at a huge mall. It was way fun. I almost bought the red jacket pictured, but didn't because it cost more than the sale said... sigh. During devotions we encouraged the team member on our right. It was really moving to be built up and build others up. This has been one of the closest and happiest teams we've had in a long time. Everyone loves each other, and there is a good Christ-like attitude they have that other coaches from other schools have commented on.
The team played really hard, but got second. I was so proud of them though, they never gave into feeling down. And we come to find out that a girl on the winning team had just lost her father last week, God gave the win to someone who needed it more than we did. That was something Coach had been saying all weekend- We are nothing without God. He really is the one who gives the win or the loss. It was really sad because this was the last tournament our class would ever play in together. Everyone was hugging afterward, and I felt so included. People kept telling me how glad they were that I came. I was worried at how I would fit in after Ashley left school, but God has made a place for me. This trip was such a blessing, the girls made me feel like one of them and I had a blast!