We got to go to the Renaissance fair! Yay! I loved it! The whole atmosphere was unique and the sense of humor was all its own. As long as you avoid the really strange people, it's all good. The joust was nice, the jugglers were hilarious, the music was cool and the sword fight was fantastic.
As for the really big event of the day, the picture I'm sure you're all wondering about. I'd seen this guy around and really loved his costume. I was fascinated and thought it would be a really great shot if he'd pose with me. I got up the courage to ask him for a picture.
"Absolutely, madam'" was his gracious reply. We stood together for the picture and at the precise moment mom captured it, he kissed me on the cheek! It was so sweet. Odd, yes. But it was somehow gentlemanly. I'm calling him Athos, because his dignified manner reminded me of that certain musketeer. (Thanks to the one who told me to read that book). Anyway, as you could guess, that was the highlight of the day!
We went to our very first Renaissance Festival way back in 1978 and we absolutely loved it! That was before the strange people began migrating to the festivals. Glad you had a great time! Have you read Twenty Years After yet?
Sorry, not yet. I'm working on The Man in the Iron Mask right now, and still enjoying the musketeers. :)Is that book before of after Twenty Years After?
When I was younger, my mother and the two sisters and I participated in a Renaissance Festival near our home. We were traveling story tellers that would act out fairy stories for the children.
It was fun once we got going, but as an introvert, I was glad that I had my extrovert mother to start things off. Plus getting to dress up in those great costumes with ribbons and flowers in our hair was lots of fun.
You were down where I was born and grew up - Holly. Perhaps you'd be able to go at Christmas for the Dickens Festival in Holly. You might enjoy that too....and who knows, perhaps your dapper musketeer may re-invent himself as a Dickens character! I really enjoy your blog and pictures.
Roxie Greene
It sure would be fun to participate in a festival like that! Of course, dressing up is half the fun. It would sure create a lot of good memories.
I'm glad you enjoy my blog. I love posting and knowing people see it an enjoy it. :) Holly was a nice place. Maybe I'll talk my parents into going to the Dickens festival too - it sounds like it would be fun!
Well, at least you got a nice, sunny day ; ) I went a couple weeks ago (as Shelli already knows) and I have to say that the swordfights were the best on that day. There were actually sparks flying!
Oooh, sparks! Very cool. I take it you got my email, O thou traveller.
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