Monday, October 13, 2008

Senior Pictures

These are from my first senior photo session. Please comment, if you would, on which ones are best. I'd really like some feedback, even if it consists mainly of "get a new photographer". :)


Jeannette said...

Well done! Did your mom take these? My favorite is the top picture...nice close-up shot.

Technoprairie said...

My favorite is also the top shot. I think a close up for a senior picture is best. My second favorite is you in the tree in color.

Cammra_girl said...

Thanks! Yes, my mom took those pictures at the city forest, and did a pretty good job of it too.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the top picture would be a wonderful senior picture, but I must admit my favorite is you in the tree in sepia tone. :)

Mrs. Greene

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I wonder where you got the picture in the tree idea from? At least you weren't doing it in a dress ;)

Cammra_girl said...

Glad you liked the tree too. It was fun putting it in sepia.

Captain person, it is in fact harder than it looks climbing into a tree, dress or not. Believe me, the shot my mom took of me dangling in mid air, face contorted in concetration was not as attractive as the result. In fact the smile on my face was similar to Peter in Caspian, the whole fake "I'm doing great" smile. And I wasn't even in a dress!:)

Anonymous said...

I love the ones of you on the bridge! Beautiful! :)

Cammra_girl said...

I can't decide if the b&w or color one is better. Probably color.

Anonymous said...

Hey Shelster,
don't know if you are still checking this one or not but I'm leaving a note anyway. I like the antique style tree picture and the b&w bridge pic. Also I should invite you sammy and pearl out here we might be able to get a few horse shots even :)

Cammra_girl said...

Horse Shots!? Sammi would be thrilled. (Not to mention me)Impressed you even remembered Pearl's name! You're just that good.