We were productive with our snow day! Two in a row, how nice is that!? Well, it would have been nicer if it hadn't postponed mother's elementary play, but we'll take what we can get. So before Christmas shopping and homework, we took some family time and built a nativity scene of snowmen, complete with Mary, Joseph, baby in the manger, two shepherds and two sheep. They turned out so cute! Snow does have it's benefits.
Nice sheep! You should have made an angel and put it on the treehouse porch.
That's a great idea! Too bad we didn't think of it earlier. ;)
I always wonder- if things are too bad to have school, how can people then play outside and go shopping???
Glad you had fun though!
-your Iowa Aunt :)
Ha ha. True, of course we live in town on onw of the first-ploughed streets, so we have it easy, there are lots of people out in the country with unploughed roads and ditches. They're the one they're worried about. So I guess we get it pretty good, not being the ones snowed in. Have you had a snow day yet?
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