One of the things that keeps our spirits up as we fly farther and farther away from our beloved extended family is the promise of presents when we get home. And they were great! Andrew liked his Periodic table shirt, and Janelle got two webkinz, so she's happy. ;) Among my favorites received from my family were a thesaurus, Prince Caspian, books, a tripod (though that was from a grandparent I guess), and a CELL PHONE!!!!!! I never expected that one, I mean it's one thing to ask and beg, but there are some things you just never actually expect to get. I am a happy camper. I have been really blessed this year, not just from gifts received, but by the friendships I have been given; they seem even richer and brighter this year, or maybe I'm just appreciating them more.
Hmmm...waiting until we got home to open presents would never work in our house. I couldn't stand the suspense! ;)
To you, feraset, I would like to say that Jesus' miracles did not only involve medacine, but clearly showed that he had power over the spiritual realm when he also cast out deamons. The Bible is very clear in stating that Jesus is divine, that he is God with us. His miracles back up his claims and his ressurection proves it. I see no proof in scripture that Jesus was a Muslim. I see every proof in the scripture that he is savior, the only way to God. I wholly believe the Bible's word on this as it has been proven accurate in every prophesy and historic detail and also because it makes the divine claim that it really is God's word, which other holy books do not.
I do not see the Koran as inspired. If you want to rephrase your arguments and histories with proof texts from the Bible I would be glad to discuss further. There is but one God and I would like nothing better than for you to know him. Thank you for caring about the state of my soul, but it is safe and according to my favorite verse in the Book of John, nothing can snatch it out of God's hand.
To you, feraset, I would like to say that Jesus' miracles did not only involve medacine, but clearly showed that he had power over the spiritual realm when he also cast out deamons. The Bible is very clear in stating that Jesus is divine, that he is God with us. His miracles back up his claims and his ressurection proves it. I see no proof in scripture that Jesus was a Muslim. I see every proof in the scripture that he is savior, the only way to God. I wholly believe the Bible's word on this as it has been proven accurate in every prophesy and historic detail and also because it makes the divine claim that it really is God's word, which other holy books do not.
I do not see the Koran as inspired. If you want to rephrase your arguments and histories with proof texts from the Bible I would be glad to discuss further. There is but one God and I would like nothing better than for you to know him. Thank you for caring about the state of my soul, but it is safe and according to my favorite verse in the Book of John, nothing can snatch it out of God's hand.
We open one gift before we leave so we have something to do on the way, but the suspense is sometimes the only thing keeping us from staying at Grandma's! ;)
Your comments are certainly very long! I admire your dedication to your beliefs, but I hope that someday you will find the true way to God. There is only one; through Jesus. It's great to live a good life, but sin outweighs all the good we can possibly do. Punishment is required for sin which our works, which are dirty rags, cannot pay. That's what we need a savior for. Jesus lived the perfect life we never could and died the death we deserved. Accept this and then, only then, can we get to heaven. I'll be praying for you, and if any of this interests you, I would highly reccomend reading the Bible seriously, and excellent place to start is the Book of John.
Thanks for standing firm for the truth of the gospel, Shelly!
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