Which of these things is not like the others? The clock! I may not have found it downtown, but I did use it for my photo project. I'm taking an online photography course and thought I'd share some of my artsy fun with you! :) It's been awhile! Don't worry, I'm alive and well, just very busy.
Shelli- I keep watching your blog, glad you had something new tonight? :)
I am impressed with your pics. Keep up the good work. You are putting together a portfolio, right? Also, I hope you are saving your digital pics "off" of the computer... like on a portable hard driver or a "stick"disc? Aunt Mary taught me that... she almost lost her stuff when her computer broke awhile back. And, with the viruses that go around, you'd want it kept safe...and then you'll be able to put them on your laptop when you get to college...:)
Love Gram
Thanks for the idea. I'm sure Dad would looove having them on another computer of his :). I really don't want to loose them. As soon as I get my laptop, they'll be one of the first things i save on it. :) More pics soon to come, our Missouri trip was a huge success!
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