Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cran Hill Ranch

We recently camped at Cran Hill Ranch. There was so much to do! I got to try a few new things. Archery was one of them. I got five on the target, which sounds good until you realize I had about twenty arrows. :) Andrew got a bulls-eye first time. We also did riflery - Andrew thought that was pretty sweet.

Well, we aren't your average campers. Most people sunbathe on the beach, but the popular thing to do was knitting!

Dad made a sandman, with a little help. He is so cute!

There were lots of adorable baby bunnies. You could tell it was a Christian campsite, even they clasped their paws in prayer ;) What a pious bunny.
The food was good too. We had a great time!


Jeannette said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! Looks like everyone had a wonderful time at Cranhill...and tell your dad his sandman looks like a brown snowman. ;)

Cammra_girl said...

Wow! You found my blog ;) You are offically my first commenter.

Anonymous said...

What Kind of rifle? If you Practice you'll get better at archery as for the bulls eye Andrew got it's from beginners luck trust me I ought to know.

Cammra_girl said...

If anyone should know, it's you ;) And if anyone were to remember what kind of rifle it was, my brither would be a better candidate than I. It was really similar to the one I used at your place, though.

Anonymous said...

The sandman is awesome! :)