What a nice Thanksgiving! Church in the morning, and then home for lunch. My Aunt sure knows how to make a turkey! They invited a few college students over too, and the guy played wii with the other guys (a lot of vacation was spent on the wii, good guy bonding time). After the meal we sang hymns together, it was really beautiful. We had all the parts going and my cousin on the piano. I love music, so it really meant a lot to me to be singing with my family, all about the same faith and hope. In the evening Grandpa and Grandma came up too and we ate leftovers together. After that the cousins played their instruments. One on the saxophone and my other cousin played the violin. At night we played a group game.
The next day we did all the fun stuff, wii, walks together, shopping, karaoke, and more. That night we went out to Pizza Ranch. That place is the best! It's a buffet of different kinds of pizza and you can have as much as you want! Below is a picture of my Uncle's whole family. Then we gave Grandpa and Grandma their Christmas present, because who knows where they'll be and where we'll be. They got a MP3 player. They're pretty good about technology and they'll be able to store a lot of recorded books on there. Can you believe Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is here again already!?