Why do we do this every year? It's tradition! And one I like dearly. The leaves make a blanket on the ground, and we go out an rake away paths, on which we then play leaf tag. Leaf tag started as running, though only on the paths but evolved into a highly intellectual game where only walking is allowed and you must use your smarts to plan out and execute the cornering your opponent. Well, it's as intellectual as tag gets, anyway. I love fall!
Tradition! Tra-dition! (I can hear the Fiddler music in my head.) Hey, Cammragirl, your uncle and I really hope you have an awesome visit to Providence College ~ it's next weekend, right? I think you'll love the intimate atmosphere...and, hey...how bad can a trip to California be during November! Will you tell us all your impressions ~ the great, the good, the ugly? We would really, really appreciate that. Thanks in advance. (Aunt Ellen)
I can promise you a long post about it! I am soooooo excited!!! I'll send you an email too if you'd like it, there's only so much I can fit in a post. I think I'll like it too, I've had this really good feeling about it so far, it might just be the one!
And with those who don't appreciate the tradition song as much as we do, I blame all these things on my father's influence, same as I do every joke that falls flat. ;)
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