These photos show the pretty and artistic aspect of Providence, a small Christian College where Mom and I got to travel to this past week. I really loved it! Am I going there? Not sure yet, but so far it looks really good.
Yes, the campus is very small and there are only fifty two students right now, but they're such a genuinely nice fifty two students! They went out of their way to sit by us during meals and invited me to classes and meetings and all sorts of things. The jet lag prevented me from going to everything, I was tired and turned in really early, but I had already got a feel for how much there is to do on campus. And if size worries you, they're expecting a big incoming class this year.
I got to sit in on several classes, including two business classes (pictured) where I got to be involved in a debate, Hebrew (I couldn't tell a jot from tiddle, but the students were good!) and my personal favorite- English! If I hadn't liked it it would have been a deal breaker, but I did. The professor was very humorous, and I could easily believe he was a comedian on the weekends. He really loved his subject.You should see his extensive poetry collection! The professors are very carefully chosen. Anyway, the academics were really good and I liked the professors a lot.
One of my favorite things about the college are it's 4-W programs, standing for Weekends of Work and Worship in the World. These are required field trips where you can go out into the culture and learn about how Christians should relate to it. These are included in tuition and include but aren't limited to: A day mission trip to Mexico, trip to a LA film studio, Museums, and the Philharmonic Orchestra, along with plays and on an unrelated note, the students go to the beach about once a month- even in the winter!
Speaking of winter, you wouldn't believe it, over here we're tolerating snow and they're over there in 90 degree weather wearing jeans and long sleeve shirts! Where are the flip flops?!
Other funny things, my camera flashing in the middle of business class.. oops! (I was trying to take it without flash, but hey..) The librarian turning out to be a lady my Mother used to babysit for out in Lynden. And many more. There is no way I could tell you everything I learned about Providence in a post. Please send me any questions you may have, I'd be more than pleased to answer them, and if I don't know, I can call my admissions councillor (Yeah, he's the smiling guy in the picture above the writing.)
Below are pictures of the interiors. Lounge, cafeteria, business class, library.
I hope your decision for the right colledge will go well! Anyway, 15 pictures! One more and you'd have an even 20! :)
Thanks. I'll try to aim for twenty next time I go to Providence :)
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