Graduation! It will linger forever in my mind! Possibly the most memorable moment was it's very opening. Our pianist lost the music to pomp and circumstance, so instead my father hummed it in front of the entire audience! Won't forget that any time soon. :) The ceremony went very well, I got to read the class verse, thus the picture of me by the microphone. After pomp and circumstance, everything went off without a hitch. The last day as a student at MCS went perfectly, I will never forget all the wonderful things that happened to me there - it was a huge part of my life and I loved it!
Thanks to my grandparents and everyone else who came to celebrate with me, there or at my party with attendance or cards and gifts! It's those little things that make times like these times really special.
And just for the record, several of these pictures came off my friends facebooks, so credit where it is due, they weren't all me. :)
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