Bright spot of yellow on a blanket of green
Lives a meager year and is never seen
Not destined to be woven in a dreaming child's crown
Not meant to be admired, Not meant to be found
None stand above it but ancient, towering trees
None stop to touch it but pollinating bees
What could be the purpose of a flower hidden away
That rises known to no man, and wilts in heat of day?
What could be the purpose of a flower, oh so small
It's to bring glory and pleasure to the ruling king of all
Who takes delight in knowing millions of things
Unknown by greatest scholars and uncontrolled by earthly kings
So what does my family do when it's a Sunday evening with no evening service? Build a beach in the back yard, of course! Well, that's what we did tonight. We had a kiddie pool we got from a rummage sale, so we dug a space for it in the sandbox and filled it up with water. A few beach chairs and towels, and we were in business! But my favorite touch was my idea - ocean sounds! Rolling waves with seagulls I had loaded on to my ipod. With the help of Andrew's speakers, you could almost feel the salty breeze. We grilled hot dogs and roasted s'mores (Also in the grill) for the end of one of the most relaxing evenings I've had in a long time. *sigh*