Well, here's the new fad around my house. I introduced Andrew to this series called Artemis Fowl (It's a sci-fi fantasy sort of thing. It involves fairies, so you'd think it would be a fantasy, but the fairies are so high tech you'd think they were from another planet, so who knows what genre it is.) Anyway, Andrew was inspired by the paranoid computer genius centaur, Foaly, who wears a tin foil hat to prevent his mind from being read. Andrew decided to make a tin hat of his own. He's on his second now. Here he models it with Janelle by a brick wall. After seeing the wonders of tin foil, she decided to make a tin hat of her own - Sherlock Holmes style. (If anyone knows where to get a real Sherlock Holmes hat, I'd be glad to know). She recently finished the Complete Sherlock Holmes, volume one and two. They were really thick and I'm so proud she got through them. A reader after my own heart! Here's to all the fashionable readers out there! ;)
Have any of you read C. S. Lewis' Space Trilogy...Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength? We have the books if you'd like to borrow them. BTW, I love the foil hats!
No I haven't yet. I'll definately put them on my list!
*giggles slightly* Andrew's up to his inventing tricks again I see. Be careful with direct light it's rarely flattering and try shooting on more of an angle when you have models that is. Tell Andrew maybe he should try to cover something more along the lines of a helmet, perhaps, in tin foil. Janelle *thumbs up* Very Sherlock Holmes-ish.
He he he. Thanks for the photography tips. ;)
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