The top picture was her display. She made the pink Homecoming dress herself! I was pleased to see that lots of the pictures on her slide show were taken by yours truly! No wonder she calls me her paparazzi.
The next is the graduate herself (sideways cuz I can't figure out to rotate it.)
The next is my Father. This is payback for how often he messes up my photos. I have the misfortune of a camera with two flashes, between the first and the last he changes position. You have no idea how many empty doorways and strange faces I have collected in my photo archives!
Of course Andrew was most interested in the motor bike (or dirt bike, who knows the correct term). He and Nicole's brother had a good time too.
Congratulations Graduates!!

Good pictures, Shelly. If you want, I can show you how to rotate pictures when you come over today. See you soon!
Thank you for the advice, and the really gret party! From now on you won't have to turn your neck to see my pictures. ;)
Not all your friends are moving away and good friendships know no distance.
You are so profound. Thanx for not moving away to another state, you know I need your friendship.
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