What a nice fourth of July! I will tell the story of my day from finish to start. Why? Because that's the order in which I loaded the pictures. And I can. The last thing that happened was the fireworks, which were, of course, what we had been looking forward to all day. The top picture is a firework, believe it or not. This is zoomed in and my "fireworks" setting is a sort of time lapse so you can see it spreading across the sky. A little unusual, but aren't the colors beautiful?
The flag in the next picture behind the hosts is not British, it is American. (And it's upright thanks to the blog-savvy lady standing in front of it, thanks again!). It's called the Grand Union, I believe. It was an early flag. There was a competition who could name that flag, but you had to name it correctly, just Bob or Sally wouldn't do. ;)
The people whose house we went had a great pool and
we enjoyed it immensely. Stephanie and Joanna came a long way to be there and I am glad to have seen them - it's been awhile since we watched Caspian when it came out! We gave Deborah dolphin rides. Perhaps I'll post a video pf Stephanie's impression of Flipper the dolphin some day soon...

Even before that wonderful party, I went to another graduation party. This time for Sarah. I got to celebrate with her and work the crowd. Ashley came too, and I was glad to see her as well, even if it's only been two weeks since school let out... I already miss my friends!
There was plenty of food both places, so we started and ended the day very satisfied! Sarah is by her dogs' son in the bottom picture with my family enjoying the plentiful food in the background.
This was a great Fourth of July. Though sometimes I think we forget why it's a holiday, it's because of our country, so even if we don't have such a good time, there's still reason to celebrate. We have our freedom. May the fireworks continue to raise year after year and may God bless America and give it's leaders wisdom.
I hope you don't mind, but I'm pirating the picture of me and Joel. ...my mother likes to see pictures of me, and that happens to be a pretty good one. ;)
Not a problem, I thought I recognized that one on your blog! I didn't realize that could be done - cool!
All you have to do is right click again and choose "save as," then save it to one of your folders.
Totally love the second to last picture glad you got lot's of good food on the forth I know that's your thing.
I like that picture too - you look so nice. Yeah, the food was good. So glad you found my blog! I assume this means you got my latest letter...
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