Saturday, November 1, 2008


For Halloween, or Reformation day, whichever you want to call it. I heard it called Reforeen recently, so I guess we'll stick with that.
What we did; my family and I went to a movie. The City of Ember. It was pretty good. Not exactly like the books (Are movies ever) but pretty good, minus the over sized mole-slug they added.
And now what you're all wondering, why would a staunch republican have Obama on her blog? After the movie I went to a party one of my classmates threw. It was a good clean party, don't worry, complete with punch and music and costumes for whoever wanted to. I went as Mrs. Turner (pirate), everyone wished they could be me. ;) I almost went as Sarah Palin, but I'm glad I couldn't get the hair right because one of my friends went as Palin. And another classmate went as Obama. The grin got a little creepy, and if you've ever seen him rocking out and playing air guitar in motion, not just my pics, it is really odd! It was a nice night, good music choice and lots of snacks! Just the way I like it. Happy Reforeen!


Jeannette said...

Too bad it wasn't Mrs. Sparrow! ;)

Anonymous said...

You know what's odd? Our parent-internet lock thing that's supposed to block out nasty sites blocked out your Reforeen post! Fortunately I was able to get around it, but this isn't the first time, and it DOES get rather annoying.

There were a couple people who dressed up at our Delta thing last Friday, most notably a parrot and a guy in black with a cape and a hat (he wanted to be the Phantom, but couldn't find a mask).

Cammra_girl said...

I'd rather be Mrs. Turner. ;)

Sorry it blocked the post for you. It must be because of the questionable image of Obama- now that's something you don't want your small child seeing. ;) jk

Sounds like the delta thing was fun! Too bad he couldn't have found a mask.