Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Junior Senior Banquet

Two words describe my life right now- "Very Busy". I am so sorry at how much time has elapsed here. So much has happened that it becomes burdensome to even think about catching up sometimes. But now here I am with something of a free night and I'm going to try to give an abbreviated version of the events of the past few months.

One highlight was the Junior Senior Banquet which we put on for the seniors last year and this year the juniors did for us. Pictures were taken before hand and then we went to the fancy banquet. It was a very nice night of honoring the seniors and sharing memories with smiles and a few tears. We each gave a speech of where we were going with our lives, favorite memories and activities and also thanking those who impacted our lives so much at school. Another nice thing is that parents can come, so mom and dad got to share the night with me.


Jeannette said...

I love the picture of you in front of the azalea. Lovely!

Cammra_girl said...

Thank you! The purple worked really well with the shade of my dress. :)