Saturday, February 28, 2009

A recent event in poetry

Oh the cascading fountain
Sparkling, but dirty in spurts
An solid wall like a mountain
Of water falling to earth

The tile looked better before
This deluge interrupted it's shine
The water is constantly pouring
What shall we do to make it fall behind

The sink it does weep very loudly
I do wish it would stop
This is why I am hurriedly
Searching for towels and mops

Ah, it is all cleaned now
Both up here and down the stairs
But I do hope this isn't how
Other sink-clogs will catch us unawares. :)

Apologies for the meter- which leaves something to be desired, but I thought it was an interesting way to tell about a flash event I had no pictures for. Don't worry, didn't take long to clean or anything, just a little excitement in the household!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Feasting Senior

What better way to end a chapter on Medieval times than to have a Medieval feast! And what better way to celebrate being the Chief Photographer than to assign yourself to take the pictures! :) It was a good time.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

A single rose amid a sea of carnations from dear friends. It was a happy valentines from my sister. She is so sweet!

A Night at the Oscars

Last Saturday, a friend's church put on a fundraiser for children in Africa called a Night at the Oscars. It was a talent show style night with performances and videos. Some were really good! It was a nice time, and a great excuse to get all dressed up. And who doesn't love an event with huge cardboard characters like Gandalf and Artoo-detoo? The girl in the middle of the top picture won best dressed- she made her dress!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

School Snow fun!

Do school and fun go together? Sure they do! Of course it seems even nicer when it's that or sit and continue to contemplate Gulliver's Travels. I, for one, like English, but after an hour or two of hard work we were ready for a break! It's so beautiful when it snows!

Snow fun!

Snow forts! We got these nifty block-makers for Christmas (like Dad had when he was little) and Andrew and Janelle had a grand old time making forts across from the driveway for snowball fights. They turned out well!