Sunday, May 9, 2010

Getty Day (Ballroom Dance at Night)

The Getty Art museum was a really neat trip. The museum is huge and we hardly scratched the surface. We took pictures in the gardens and got to see the French Impressionistic and Medieval displays. We had lunch there imbetween the exibits and the gardens. After we returned from the Getty, the Ballroom Dance Club members (including me) set up for our dance, where we taught swing, waltz and salsa to rest of the campus. It was a fun night!

Grand Canyon!!!

On the way back we got to see a sight I have wanted to for a long time - the Grand Canyon! It was beautiful! It is a long way down, so I can see why it made Mom so nervous, but it was really a neat sight to behold. Just another adventure I can add to my list of "amazing things I've seen and done this year".