Sunday, August 10, 2008

Family Travels - 5

We did a lot of driving on that rainy day. States include Conetticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. We stopped in Rhode Island to tour a mansion. It was in a neighborhood of mansions, and they were all gorgeous!! However, we only had time to stop a Marble House. It had a lot of, you guessed it, Marble! Different types imported from different countries. It was very extravagant. They had audio tours for a house, imagine having audio tours for a house you'd lived in! The sad thing was that the designer of the house got it as a gift from her husband and was all for women's rights, but was very hypocritical. While she fought to let women vote and do what they wanted, her daughter was bossed around with very little freedom, marrying whom her mom chose and many female maids toiled in the kitchen beneath her feet.


Jeannette said...

I forgot to ask you Sunday if you made it to Newport...glad you got to see Marble House! As lavish as those homes are, it's hard to believe they were summer cottages!

Cammra_girl said...

Thanks for suggesting we go there, it was fantastic!!