The last day, what a packed two weeks. Not relaxing, but fun and educational
definitely! We stopped at the Eerie Canal museum. That was a very good stop, quite interesting and educational. A well-thought-out museum. It was in the last weigh house left. That's where they used to weigh boats to find out the toll. They had a model of how they'd do that, and Dad and Andrew had "fun with levers" figuring out how it worked. Engineers... There was a cool mock-up boat in the weigh house the you could walk inside. The saddest thing, I thought, was that it has been filled in, the street is where the canal should have been. People gave their lives for the canal and then, poof! Something better comes along and all that work is left to be filled in. Just goes to show that whatever you try to do in life, it will fade. Someone will inherit your money if you become rich, someone will build a bigger bridge, someone will make a better movie and yours will collect dust on a shelf, BUT WHAT YOU DO FOR THE LORD WILL STAND, and
only that is what remains: what we do in love.
Getting back to lighter topics, we stopped at Niagara falls. Why is there not a picture of me in a poncho, you ask? Because I do not like ponchos!!! I refused to have my picture taken looking like I'm in a plastic bag. ;) Though one or two were sneakily taken, you can be sure of that, even some guy from Florida took a few of me with my camera, he though it was funny, and you can trust Andrew's shot will turns up somewhere unexpected. The rest of the family looks so cute in them though! And that last shot of Niagara, don't tell me pics from the bottom aren't ten times better. That is my last breathtaking shot of that wonderful trip. The sun lighting up the falls and creating a dazzling rainbow, even as storm clouds gather in the background.
Love the last picture. It is absolutely beautiful. Very true what you said about only the thing's we do for the Lord lasting. Also, I'm sure you look fine in a poncho, considering you could sport a potato sack and make it look cute!
You're so nice, Sair. ;) I miss you!
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